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Camp Bestival Food – for coeliacs too

Last 24 hours before setting of to Camp Bestival @campbestival #campbestival, Pete’s on his way to Go Outdoors to get last minute camping stuff and we haven’t even thought about packing. Still finishing off unpacking from Kos last week so I have that to do before I can start cooking.

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Camp Bestival – an interview with Dick and Dom

The sun’s come out and I’m now allowing myself to get excited about Camp Bestival 2013, plus there are now only 96 days to go, double figures, yeay.  The highlight of Camp Bestival 2012 has to be my impromptu interview with Dick and Dom. Yes, I was the adult standing at the back of the…

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Camp Bestival Food – Friday night

First night at Camp Bestival, on the menu: festival essentialDaisy made these Afternoon tea with homemade brownies by Daisy, carrot cake and fairy cakes by Grant and flapjack by me (the one on my APP) with cups of either Earl Grey or English Breakfast tea. Olives, posh crisps and red wine out of a pouch,…

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