The sun’s come out and I’m now allowing myself to get excited about Camp Bestival 2013, plus there are now only 96 days to go, double figures, yeay. The highlight of Camp Bestival 2012 has to be my impromptu interview with Dick and Dom. Yes, I was the adult standing at the back of the audience at East Lulworth shouting ‘bogies’ very, very loudly and getting elbowed by medium sized girl for being embarrassing, I don’t care, I LOVE Dick and dom. However, they weren’t giving interviews, well, officially anyway….
Armed with my BBC Oxford mic (it’s scary how many places a BBC mic will get you, even though it’s local radio it’s got those amazing 3 capital letters on it that open doors), I managed to edge my way to the back of the stage at East Lulworth where I spotted the regular bouncers and very attractive brunette whom I deduced may be married to one of them, a long shot but I went for it. Started chatting to her, introduced myself and asked whether she thought they may be up for a quick interview about food after their show, after all they had been talking about Pot Noodles, she said she’d ask them (YES! whoop whoop) and they did.
So out the back of the tent with medium sized girl, who was not as excited as I was I must add, I secured an interview with Dick and Dom about their idea of festival food, this was first broadcast on BBC Oxford in August last year but here’s the interview to get you in the mood for this year as they boys are back.
I love their views on the perfect food….Pot Noodle, is it the perfect food? It has carbohydrate in the noodles, protein in the dehydrated meat, water which you have to add from the kettle and vegetables in the form of dehydrated peas and other things I’m sure……so surely that’s the perfect food – no way!
After the interview we were wandering around aimlessly (as you do at festivals) when I was tapped on the shoulder by a chap in sunglasses with a big grin and a ‘hi, how are you doing?’ yep, it was Dick, this time the children were impressed with retorts of ‘OMG you really are famous Dick from Dick and Dom knows you, wow’, to my 10 year old son’s eyes that was it, his Mum had made the big time. He was gutted he wasn’t there for the interview and so was my 16 year old daughter, maybe this summer they’ll get the chance if you’re up for another interview guys?