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Camp Bestival Planning Session

Camp Bestival Camping and Planning

Camp Bestival Team
Camp Bestival Team

Friday is P day – planning night for Camp Bestival, our friends Grant, Daisy and Bertie are coming over for the weekend to do some serious Camp Bestival plotting and I’ve just had a brilliant idea….

Have you heard of the Disco Shed? These guys are Latitude regular, it’s a shed with a disco, really cool, and even better they have GNOMES.  No, don’t stop reading, I haven’t lost it honestly, well maybe a bit but that was a while ago.  I love gnomes, this goes back to my childhood, let me explain…

A long time ago in a distant seaside town called Saltburn by Sea a little version of me used to go on the train from Redcar, where I lived, to visit Saltburn with my lovely Grandma as a day out.  It was only 8 miles away but for a small girl this meant a really, really long train ride (15 minutes is a long time when you’re little).  Once in Saltburn my main focus was to go to the park and play on the swings because Saltburn had THE BEST SWINGS in the world, way better than the ones at Locke Park or Zetland Park in Redcar.  The road to the swings was filled with huge Victorian houses and in the garden of one of these houses were gnomes.  Loads of them, gnomes of all different shapes and sizes.

Walking past the gnome house and stopping to look at the gnomes was part of the ritual of ‘going to Saltburn’ and that began my love of gnomes. Unfortunately my husband doesn’t share this love of gnomes although I have tried to convert him and he has received gnomes for his past 3 birthdays usually followed by a request:

“please don’t buy me any more bloody gnomes”

Garden gnome with elderflower cordial
gnomes and eldflower cordial

Other comments have been “what would you like for your birthday?” reply: “anything but bloody gnomes”, fortunately I realise he’s joking and loves them really.

Anyway, I digress, so getting back to gnomes, sorry the Disco Shed. They’re at Camp Bestival and hopefully bringing their gnomes with them too.  I love their website, it has gnomes.

Now, a couple of evenings ago Grant emailed me about the Disco Shed and suggested that I may like to turn our Surf Shack into a disco shed, that would be brilliant but I’ve just had an even better idea.  We have a barn that houses the warehouse and office for the business which is bigger than the surf shack so this would be even better to turn into a disco shed, but it would be a DISCO BARN, yeay and I could play all my old records very loudly and there would be no way any teenagers would come near the place so I’d have it all to myself….now there’s an even better thought.

Cupcake made to look like an ice cream cone outside our Surf Shack
Cupcake made to look like an ice cream cone outside our Surf Shack

For now, I’m getting excited about the Disco Shed at Camp Bestival so if you’re going come and say ‘hi’ I’ll be hanging out with the gnomes doing ‘bad’ dancing or ‘Mum’ dancing as my teenagers call it.