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Vanilla Fudge

This is full of sugar and fat, really, really bad for you, and you should never ever eat it……but it tastes sooooo good.  I made this for my Mum’s birthday hamper last week, the last time I made fudge before this was when I was 10 years old and I made it with my Grandma.  Making fudge always sets off the tears as it has such a close association with this amazing woman who sadly died long time ago.  I still miss her dreadfully but consider that making fudge with someone who means a lot to you is a right of passage for any child, be it a grandparent, parent, auntie or family friend.  Just don’t eat it too often and always brush your teeth well afterwards.

It will take you around 30 minutes to make this, you have to stay with it, stirring most of the time so don’t plan to do anything else and put your phone away too.

1 x 400g condensed milk (or 397g can)
450g demerara sugar (f you want crunchy bits in it if not use caster)
120g salted butter
large pinch of salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Makes 77 pieces of fudge

  1. Pour the condensed milk, sugar and butter into a saucepan and set it over a medium to low heat to melt (simmering plate of an AGA).  Grease and line a 20cm x 30cm square cake tin (AGA small roasting tin).
  2. Once it’s melted gradually bring it up to a rolling boil, (still on the simmering plate) stirring constantly or the mixture will burn on the bottom and you’ll end up with horrible burnt bits in your fudge.
  3. Boil the fudge for around 15 minutes until it reaches 118c (it’s much easier if you use a sugar thermometer), if you don’t have a sugar thermometer have a glass of ice cold water next to you and drop in a little of the fudge, if it forms a soft ball it’s ready.  Remove the fudge from the heat and allow it to cool to 110c, stirring occasionally.
  4. Transfer to a bowl of an electric mixer, or use a handheld mixer, add the salt and vanilla and beat until the fudge is smooth and glossy and has cooled to 75-60c.
  5. Transfer to the greased and lined baking tray and allow to cool fully, cut into pieces.