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Cupcake Glitter – is it safe to eat?

I’ve used Edable Art glitter for years, I make sure that the products myself and the team source for Splat Cooking are safe to eat, after all Splat Cooking is all about teaching children and adults how to cook safely so the items we sell have to reflect that. Over the years there have been…

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Easter Recipes

bunnies and carrots butterflys easter nests Simnel Cupcakes Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate with a little bit of chocolate thrown in for good measure. That seems to sum up the modern view of Easter, let’s face it the chocolate Easter eggs appear on Boxing Day in supermarkets and are usually right next to the discounted…

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Christmas Recipes

Christmas is a time for celebration in the deepest, darkest days of the year.  Humans have been celebrating the winter solstice, which falls on 21 December, for thousands of years.  It’s time to gather together, keep warm and look forward to welcoming the Spring.  The time of year when we’re half way through the worst,…

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Pumpkins, gingerbread and book signings

Pumpkin roasting in the oven to make soup for lunch, shedloads of gingerbread made in the fridge. I’m doing book signings at Waterstones, the Eden Centre, High Wycombe for my new book 500 Baby and Toddler Foods from 2pm tomorrow, Saturday 5 November.  Just about to start making lots of gingerbread biscuits for little ones…

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Cookie Policy

About this cookie policyThis Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. You should read this policy to understand what cookies are, how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e, the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used and how to control the cookie preferences.…

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It’s Christmas – beat the recession and make your gifts

  Just finished Bill Buckley’s Sunday Lunch show on BBC Oxford where we’ve been talking about making edible Christmas presents with the help of Rachel Allen on dial in, pity she couldn’t have been in the studio but it was good to catch up as I’ve not seen her since the summer. Making Christmas gifts…

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Beverley’s stress-free Christmas Classes and Dems

…food, good company and a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. Tuesday 3 December from 7.30-9.30pm is Beverley’s Christmas Leftovers dem at Season’s Farm Shop in North…

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