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Valentine’s Day Aphrodisiac Food Filming

It’s raining, it’s always raining when I’m trying to keep my hair unfrizzy and make up in place to film a piece for the Buckstv crew.  I’m also glammed up the eyeballs with full length, halter neck, black sparkly Ghost posh frock on ready to film the Valentine’s Day edition of The Bucks Show – it’s 10.30am.

I arrive at the studio, this is situated in the basement of an office complex and bump into a good friend of mine, Lara, having a quick ciggie on the front door step.  Quick catch up, hugs, etc and Lara looks me up and down, clocks the ball gown and asks if I’m working here.  “Oh, yes, I’m working here temporarily” I reply, quick glance at the frock and doesn’t bat an eyelid. So I come clean and explain that I’m filming and that I wouldn’t normally normally turn up for work dressed like this.  Lara, doesn’t even smirk, just comments ‘wouldn’t surprise if you did, let’s face it, it’s you Bev, wouldn’t put anything past you!’ Not sure if that’s a complement or not.

So the filming.  The lovely people at Culinary Concepts allowed me to use one of their fabulous Seashore Scalloped Platters to serve the fresh oysters on.  Richard had never tried oysters before so with a little lemon juice and tabasco he did, not sure he was impressed but his face was an absolute picture.  I made a Smoked Oyster and Cream Cheese Dip which went down really well,  very simple but tastes wonderful and then we sampled fresh figs and home made rum truffles.

So now back to the office, out of the posh frock and high heels – back to mini skirt, leggings and my beloved DMs looking more presentable in day light, apart from the stage make up, but that’s going to have to stay put, wonder if my children will notice when I pick them up from school.