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Mark Warner = Holiday Heaven for parents and kids

Mark Warner Beach Clubs saved my sanity Ten days and counting….in 10 days I will be on a beach in Greece, Kos to be exact and my backside will be glued to a sunlounger for at least the first afternoon before I take to the water windsurfing, swimming and doing the things I want to…

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Cycling Safely on roads

How to stay safe while cycling on the road Wear bright flourescent colours and lots of reflective stuff – make yourself be SEEN in complete gobsmacking “whoa, what the heck is that bright beacon a mile up ahead, wow that’s bright……Oh it’s a cyclist” style. This is pretty much the same as my previous rant,…

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Feeding Babies and Sleeping – 500 Baby and Toddler Foods

Baby and Toddler Cookbook Two weeks to go until my book launch, I’ve had a lovely lady call the office today to ask about the book as she has a 7 month old and wanted to know if it really was no faffing recipes.  It really is, honest.  The recipes are all based on the…

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