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Camp Bestival – an interview with Dick and Dom

The sun’s come out and I’m now allowing myself to get excited about Camp Bestival 2013, plus there are now only 96 days to go, double figures, yeay.  The highlight of Camp Bestival 2012 has to be my impromptu interview with Dick and Dom. Yes, I was the adult standing at the back of the…

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Camping, cooking and a sand boat courtesy of the Glocks

We didn’t get up until almost lunchtime, none of us, Pete and I were up first at around 11am, children started surfacing from 11.30am, we were up until midnight last night on the dunes trying to see the Perseus meteor shower. As usual Pete saw some, so did small boy, I saw none, typical, however,…

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Camp Bestival – preparations – last minute sagas

I knew the real reason for me going to Camp Bestival the day after my lovely  husband and small children is not just to bring extra supplies but to being all the items they’ve forgotten to put into the car…. 1.  Small Boy’s dressing gown 2. Pillows – that would have been interesting 3. Regulator…

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GlitterGate – the drama continues

After much goings on over the past few months the team over at Splat Cooking have just withdrawn EdAble Art Glitter from sale due to current labels being on contravention of the Food Safety Act 1990, here’s the article for further info Splat Cooking are currently trying to source an alternative product as the…

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Thame Food Festival Exibition at Thame Museum

I spent a lovely evening in the company of some amazing chefs on Thursday to kick of an exhibition of food photography by the lovely Debbie Jones of Imaging Essence. Lotte Duncan gave her usual cheeky style speech in the company of Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi, Steve Love from McCormick Spices, Le Manoir as Raymond…

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Foodie Advent Calendar

Splat Cooking have just launched a Foodie Advent Calendar, from 1 December they’re going to be putting up a different recipe a day for the 24 days running up to Christmas. The recipes will be related to Christmas and could fall into the following categories: Edible Christmas presents Christmas tree decorations Nibbles and canapes for…

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Top 10 cookery tips for people who can’t cook

This is a piece I wrote for Bathmums, if you’re a parent and you live in Bath you have access to this fabulous online magazine giving you the low down what’s going on where for families , if you live elsewhere you’ll still have access to their fabulous articles but may have to travel to…

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