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500 Baby and Toddler Foods – amazing recommendation

I had to blog this email, sent last night from Diana Viola who reviews cookery books in the US for the website  I read her review of my new baby and toddler cookbook ‘500 Baby and Toddler Foods’ last night and sent her an email thanking her for writing such a lovely review.  This…

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Tate and Lyle Taste Experience launch – The Cake Hotel

You have no idea just how excited I was to receive an invitation to Tate and Lyle’s launch of The Cake Hotel, an edible house made with their new Taste Experience range of sugars.  Oh my goodness, this was definitely a ‘clear the diary’ day. So last week I arrived in Soho outside this lovely…

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Foodies Festival Recipes for Casillero del Diablo wine matching

If you haven’t caught my dems in Foodies Festival’s Chef’s Theatre this season yet then this weekend at Oxford is your last chance this year.  I’ve been working with the lovely people at Casillero del Diablo (@diablowine) to come up with three recipes to go with their choice of wine and here they are so…

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Plum Baby Cookery School – Recipe Development

Anyone heard about the Baby Food diet?  This hit the headlines last year with Hollywood A listers losing shed loads of weight by eating baby food.  After a weekend of recipe development for Plum Baby Cookery School this concept now doesn’t seem as bizarre as it did last week. On Tuesday I meet the Mummy…

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