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Orange and Fig Pancakes

Encourage children to make up the pancake mix and slice figs with a round bladed knife.  If you’re feeling brave and have extra batter (!) then you can try tossing the pancakes to turn them over rather than flipping them with a spatula. This is lovely to make with blood oranges as the colours of the red orange flesh and purple figs complement each other well.

Ingredients: for 4 servings

130g plain flour

1 egg

250ml semi skimmed milk

a little butter

2 oranges thinly sliced, pith and skin removed

1 tablespoon runny honey

4 fresh figs, sliced and stalk removed

handful of toasted pine nuts

  1. Place flour and egg into a mixing bowl, gradually whisk in the milk to form a batter.  Set aside.
  2. Place the orange slices in a small pan, add the honey and top with the fig slices.  Warm gently over a low heat, prodding occasionally for 5 minutes until the juices start to run.  Remover from the heat and keep warm.
  3. Melt a knob of butter in a non-stick frying pan, pour in sufficient batter to cover the bottom of the pan, twisting the pan around to even it out. When the pancake starts to bubble and lift at the edge it’s ready to be tossed or turned over with a spatula.  Cook the other side until it starts to bubble.
  4. Tip onto a warm plate, cover with tin boil and repeat until al the batter has been used.  Serve with the figs and oranges poured over the pancakes sprinkled with toasted pine nuts.