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Neilson Lemnos – tennis, mountain biking and family photo

One week is just not enough, just getting the hang of windsurfing and getting some speed up, the bruises are turning yellow so I no longer resemble a smurf and I may even relax a little if I stayed longer….actually, no I’d just spend all day on the water for another week.

Thought I’d best mention that there are land based options….not that I’m up for that when there is water around.  I could complain that I became a tennis widow for the week, but as I was on the water all day my lovely husband could complain the other way round.  It’s funny, when you turn up at the airport to come home you suddenly see all these people you’d not noticed at the resort, that’s because they were the ‘tennis’ crowd, not the ‘beach’ crowd.  My backside is firmly planted in the ‘beach’ crowd.  I still have no idea where the tennis courts are on site, at all, not a dicky bird, not even a vague concept of the direction they’re in – quite proud of that.

Pete playing tennis
Pete playing tennis

The girls played rugby, tennis and did a few Zumba sessions, one of which was on the gulet cruise with TAG.  This was apparently hilarious but there are no photos.  Surf squad went off on mountain bikes to Manos beach for ice creams and doughnut rides.  The kids all loved it, Wave Riders and TAG walked down there and said it was a fabulous beach with a great selection of bars and cafes with a lovely chilled vibe, we ought to have gone but the sea was calling. They also took over the pool for pool olympics complete with kayaks, again great entertainment for the adults

Pete, Max and I did the SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) pilates, yes, pilates on a SUP in the sea.  It was brilliant, so funny, wish they did it more than once a week as I really, really enjoyed it. and towards the end of the week Max plucked up courage to have a go at waterskiing, the had three goes and got up, really enjoyed it and said that he’d love to have another go if he was staying longer.  The girls were having too good a time in club to try it out.  By the waterski hut is the Sea Badger Weather Stone, a stone on a rope dangling from a board with the weather forecasting system on it.  Amazingly it’s 100% accurate….read below

Sea Badger Weather Stone
Sea Badger Weather Stone

Bling Taxi

I have to mention this, the bling taxi, it’s such bad taste it’s awesome and Dimitri, the owner, is incredibly proud of his taxi.  As a stroke of luck (!) I managed to get a ride into town in it, completely by accident.  Inside he has a fish tank, a fridge stocked with mini champagne bottles and other drinks, plus glasses.  Here are some photos.

At the end of the week we had a family photo shoot with one of Claire Edmead’s team, here’s the result, it’s wonderful and great reminder of a fabulous holiday

The Glocks on holiday
The Glocks on holiday