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Neilson Lemnos – food, drink and waterfront

The town of Myrina is lovely but we have yet to find great food, it’s cheap, the food is passable but ‘could do better’. Lovely salads, OK fresh fish but my grilled squid was chewy and a little on the charred side, the food in the hotel on bistro nights was excellent. We had great reports about this and think we missed out a bit here by going out. Some friends (who we bumped into at the airport, and who are in the same resort) went on the wine tasting trip last night and said it was excellent and the food was too. We are staying put on Thursday for the beach BBQ due to rave reviews about the food and the chilled out vibe.

Talking of chilled out vibes, it’s 12.30pm, I’ve spent a great morning on the water on a windsurfer much to the relief of the lovely Max who looked horrified when he saw me coming towards him this morning but more of that later. I’m currently sitting in the pool bar with an exquisite cappuccino freddo made by Mitch, listening to Bob Marley and now Stairway to Heaven. The girls who usually take over the músic and insist on hip hop are on a break so Mitch and his mate have taken advantage, I think Deep Purple is lined up next, tee hee hee.

Theo, lovely crazy cocktail bar man, makes amazing cocktails, the ones that don’t taste alcoholic until you realise that your legs don’t work. Last night he was making a Watermelon one and gave me a taster, yummy, 6pm tonight is happy hour….guess what I’m doing? The bar staff are brilliant, in fact ALL the staff are brilliant, can’t believe that everyone is so happy and smiley but they are. They even come round the pool and beach taking drink orders, real luxury.  The cocktails are particularly yummy, the frozen daiquiris are very good, make your legs go a bit funny though and during the day the non alcoholic versions, ie frozen smoothies, are a great alternative to ice cream.

Beach front
I have to say that the beach front staff have the patience of saints. I’ve spent 22 years trying to windsurf, I got the hang of it two years ago here and got going in Kos last year so the lovely Mike, head of waterfront, put me in ‘improvers’ windsurf class with long suffering instructor Max. Well, everyone else was way out to sea with me still petty close to shore unable to even get the damned sail up. Two hours later still haven’t got the sail up and I get demoted to ‘Beginners’ class with people who’ve never windsurfed doing better than me. Lucy and Mike, the instructors in beginners, were lovely though and the whole vibe is very much, ‘you’re on holiday, you’re supposed to having fun, if you’re tired and went to give a session a miss it’s fine, just come back when you feel like it.’ This is so different to other beach clubs when it’s more ‘if you don’t turn up you can’t come back cos you’ll miss too much’. So chilled, friendly and easy going.

So two days in beginners not really getting going and becoming more frustrated, not helped by the swell and onshore winds until day 3, wind dropped, millpond sea and I tagged on the ‘taster’ session with Lucy and actually got going. The highlight of the afternoon being passed by a group of 11 year old boys in kayaks commenting “you’re a really good windsurfer” as they paddled past, obviously 11 year old boys know what they’re talking about, love them. Two hours later I’ve been promoted to ‘improvers’ for tomorrow.

The look on Max’s face was a picture at the improvers session, the look of abject terror that I was in his group. The day started off well, got going, with wind too, tacked, fast tacked, sailed with wind and had a really good morning on the water. This afternoon was different, I was tired, my shoulders really ached and I probably should have parked my bum on a sun lounger, but no, I had to take a windsurfer out. Didn’t get very far and was about to give up when Max came over and suggested I get into the rescue boat with him, he’d tow me out to the fun boat marker and I could wait on there and if I decided to have another go I could. Bliss, sunbathing on the fun boat with a lovely cool breeze, eventually Max came back and I spent the next 30 mins in the rescue boat with him, lovely afternoon on the water.

Fab Photos from Clare Edmead Photography, the boys were completely in control of the cat as one of them held an RYA level 4 sailing certificate, the rest had one of the beach front team on the cat with them.  This is the note left on our bed by our 12 year old son, ‘Gone to pool bar, Max’, we know he was going there for milkshakes but it was rather funny.


The quiz night on Sunday was great fun, tonight is battle of the bands and half price mojitos this is going to be a good night I think