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Lavender Sugar

This fragrant sugar makes a fabulous present, attach a label with the lavender shortbread recipe handwritten to finish it off beautifully. Also lovely sprinkled over summer berries. This will keep for 6 months.

Ingredients: for 8-10 small jars
1 kg white caster sugar
2 tablespoons lavender flowers (Barts do them in supermarkets)

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry the kilner jar mix together the sugar and lavender flowers, transfer to the kilner jars.
  2. Secure the lid and attach a card luggage tag with the cooking instructions.

Write on a card luggage label:

Sprinkle over berries or make lavender shortbread by creaming 100g soft butter with 50g lavender sugar, fold in 50g cornflour and 100g plain flour, mix to a dough.  Roll out, cut to shapes and sprinkle over a little extra lavender sugar, bake for 15-20 mins on 180oc/gas mark 4, finish with a sprinkle of lavender sugar