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Blueberry Pancakes

Delicious drop scones or mini pancakes served with blueberry coulis.


125g self raising flour
2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 egg
125ml semi skimmed milk
50g blueberries
a little butter for greasing
For the blueberry sauce:
75g blueberries
2 tablespoons caster sugar

  1. Place flour, caster sugar and egg into a mixing bowl, gradually whisk in the milk to form a thick batter, starting from the middle of the bowl and taking in the flour from the outside, don’t put all the milk in in one go as the mixture will go horribly lumpy.  Gently stir in the blueberries.
  2. Melt a knob of butter in a non-stick frying pan, pour tablespoonful’s of the mixture, leaving space around them as you will need room to put the palette knife in to turn them. When the pancake starts to bubble turn it over with the palette knife or spatula.  Cook the other side until it turns golden brown.
  3. Tip onto a warm plate, cover with tin foil and repeat until al the batter has been used.
  4. To make the sauce place the blueberries and sugar in a small saucepan set over a low heat, stirring occasionally for 5-10 minutes until the fruit collapses and the juices run.
  5. Serve the pancakes with the blueberry sauce and a little ice cream or cream if you wish.