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Oxford Foodies Festival – 27-29 August

Two sleeps to go to Oxford Foodies Festival, our lovely Hazel has been over this afternoon planning the Kids Masterclass she’s running on Sunday, very excited. I’m in the final stages of planning my dems with Castillero del Diablo each day and my own dem on Sunday at 5pm which will be along the lines…

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Barbecuing is an international bloke thing

I f I thought that a bunch of blokes standing round a bbq burning food, oops, sorry cooking food was a typically English thing I’m glad to say that it isn’t, it is a European thing. Pete was up at the communal campsite bbq tonight cooking sardines, marinaded in red onions, garlic, lemon juice and…

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Surf chicks

Crack of dawn this morning, we’re on holiday so that means 7.30am, arrrgh, the alarm went off as big, medium and I had to be on the beach by 8.15 to get togged out in wetsuits ready for our first surf lesson of the holiday.  Oh boy, this was bad, severe punishment for wanting to…

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Camp Bestival – Sunday

Camp Bestival Team The team, Sunday night at Camp Bestival 2011 Day 2 and I’m so relaxed I’m totally zonked, I spent ages chasing around trying to get an interview with Ade Edmonson but he was elusive and the PR chaps couldn’t find him anywhere so no success there, never mind. I’d already agreed that…

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