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Baby Diary – 9 weeks 3 days

21 January 1996 – 9 weeks 3 days pregnant

Up until Wednesday 17 Jan I was feeling dreadful.  Nauseous except for first thing in the morning, it usually came on at around 8.30am when I arrived at the office – strange that.  (At this point I was working for Colt Telecom in Liverpool Street, so commuting from Oxfordshire on the 7am train).  The nausea continued all day and evening unless I was eating.  As soon as I stopped eating it cam back within 10 minutes.  When I exercised it stopped and came back on 10 minutes after stopping, so I either keep cycling or eating, hmmm.

The fatigue was pretty awful too, I felt exhausted all day, not sleepy but no energy at all.  My usual 1.5 hours down the gym has gone out of the window, I can manage around 40 mins before I feel tired out, so my trainer Deb Farmiloe has suggested I split train 30 mins at lunchtime, 40 mins in the evening only I’m too tired at work to go at lunchtime.

Pete and I went out on Daisy (our mountain bike tandem) last Sunday from Woodstock, only managed half the route but still did 2.5 hours.  Monday night went to Debbie’s for girls night out, I was back in bed by 8.30pm, pathetic.  The fatigue tends to be better alternate days, or rather not really, really bad alternate days.

Woke up on Wednesday morning feeling great, tonnes of energy and no nausea.  Still can’t bear coffee, tea and chocolate and I’m into cold food, salads, etc, hot food and hot veg is really turn off.  I’m letting hot food go cold before I eat it – strange.

It’s not Sunday, Pete and I have been out on Daisy for 2 hours with a wind chill of about -4 degrees centigrade, no pleasant, we only went up to Waterperry Gardens.

Friday evening – off to see the osteopath, usual problems with neck, pelvis and upper back.  Everything  moved very easily, proves my ligaments are getting looser.

My osteopath reckons I’m closer to 12 weeks than 9 weeks due to my bump and the nausea and fatigue suddenly going.  Anyway, I see my midwife tomorrow for the first time so we’ll see what she says.

Current favourite names (I still like Balthazar but it’s probably too cruel) are Max, Gabriella, Isabella (I’m still holding out for Tallulah and Beatrix) but if you’re twins how about Max and Mabel, for a boy and girl obviously?  Mum has a £10 bet on that you’re a girl.  My friend Lisa thinks you’re a girl, Richard my osteopath thinks you’re a boy.  Mum was told last week that I’d have a boy.

Pete’s coming out in sympathetic symptoms and is being very protective, it’s wonderful, I love it.