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Mini snowball truffles

A white chocolate version of my popular Ginger Chocolate Truffles, great for children to make as gifts.

Ingredients: for 36 snowballs

2 x tablespoons golden syrup
300g white chocolate
100g butter
200g plain sweet biscuits (eg Digestives, Malted Milk)
50g white Maltesers
50g mini marshmallows
50g dried cranberries or chopped glace cherries
50g madeira cake crumbs
100g desiccated coconut
Edible Glitter

How to make Mini Snowballs..WASH YOUR HANDS

  1. Place the golden syrup, chocolate and butter in a saucepan.
  2. Set over a very heat to melt, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Do not let it boil.
  3. Place half of the biscuits into a small freezer bag. Secure the top with a tie or tag or tie a knot in the top.
  4. Bash up the biscuits with a rolling pin until they are crumbs  Pour the crumbs into the mixing bowl. Repeat with the other half. Bash up the maltesers in the same way. Add to the mixing bowl.
  5. Add the marshmallowes, cranberries or chopped glace cherries and cake crumbs to the crumbs.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour this into the mixing bowl. Mix everything together.
  7. Wait for 10-15 minutes until the mixture has cooled slightly. Sprinkle the desiccated coconut onto a piece of baking parchment then roll the mixture into little balls, about the size of a small bouncy ball, roll in the desiccated coconut and place into a petit four case.
  8. Sprinkle with a little edible glitter and chill.