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Magimix – the easiest machine to use EVER!

Small boy (aged 10) had a sale to raise money for his form’s chosen charity today.  He decided that his team were going to have a bake sale, they were given instructions on what to make and he spent most of Sunday baking.  On the list were:


So one huge traybake of brownies done, snickerdoodles had to wait until last night as they’re better fresh, next was gingerbread.

I had my lovely pink magimix out to test out some recipes ready for the BBC Good Food Show on Thursday so he decided to give it a go, gingerbread made in a magimix quote “wow, this the easiest machine to use EVER” – he was a bit impressed, now that’s a 10 year old, so imagine what an adult thinks, if I didn’t already have one it could well be on his Christmas list.

Photos attached of the processing and the finished effort, i did the icing, finishing at midnight last night and went into school this afternoon with emergency supplies of shortbread which was needed as they’d almost sold out.  In the end they raised £325, brilliant.