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Camp Bestival Memories – Interview with Martin Fry of ABC

We are counting down to Camp Bestival kicking off on 26 July, that’s 70 days to go. Another fab line up this year with Rizzlekicks and Stooshie but there is a legend in the line up this year, someone not to be missed, someone I am soo excited about seeing it’s silly, a hero from my childhood – it can only be ROLF HARRIS.  I was looking forward to Camp Bestival anyway but with Rolf Harris performing that’s just made my year.

I’m recording another show for BBC Oxford there and guess who is top of my list to interview, yep, Rolf Harris himself.  Last year I had the privilege of interviewing Martin Fry of ABC, one of my teenage heroes and yes I do have all their albums and I know all the words.  So when I found he was giving interviews but was only doing four of them I thought I had no chance.  It’s amazing what doors open when you’re with the BBC, even if it is local radio, I got one of the slots.

The others were ITN, Sky News and Festivents, all the interviewees were under the age of 25 and had never worshipped Martin Fry in the way an oldie like me did, they all asked the same questions….What’s it like being back together in the band again? Martin looked positively bored but charmingly answered them without getting too animated.  When it came to my turn I introduced myself and explained that I didn’t want to talk about the band or reforming but I’d like to talk about food.

For a minute I thought he was going to throw me out of the press tent, especially when he asked if I was serious, but I stuck to my guns and got the longest interview of any of the other journos from him. Martin changed totally, became animated and obviously I’d struck a chord with a favourite subject of his, food and feeding his family.  The interview is attached to click on it and see what you think.

It made my weekend and I’m really hoping I can repeat the honour with Rolf Harris, what do you think?

Martin Fry interviewed by Beverley Glock at Camp Bestival