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500 Baby and Toddler Foods – amazing recommendation

I had to blog this email, sent last night from Diana Viola who reviews cookery books in the US for the website  I read her review of my new baby and toddler cookbook ‘500 Baby and Toddler Foods’ last night and sent her an email thanking her for writing such a lovely review.  This is the email she sent back and I have her permission to blog it:

Hi Beverly,

“I don’t review books I think irrelevant, and never ones that are bad, as I don’t ever-ever-ever want to write negative reviews. I can’t live in a negative space.
I felt it important to stress the serious issues that you have addressed, as I am concerned for the health of the generations to come.  You dealt with that so beautifully
Andy Sturdevant at Sellers is just aces in helping put the material forward.  He is my friend as a publisher, and your friend as an author.  Believe me, I see them all,  and I mean it – he’s aces.
I thank you for the great care you put in your work.  We all know it is a very dicey food world these days, and you will help many people.  I hope you sell droves of books.
I was so touched by that email from someone who knows what they’re talking about, Diana reviews an awful lot of books and that means the world to me.