My big girl (15 years old) has just made croque en bouche as part of her Food Tech GCSE practical. First time attempting spun sugar and she’s done a marvellous job, in fact, her little brother thinks she’s an absolute star as he’s got to eat the left overs – I hope his dentist isn’t reading this (!).
The photos tell the story and she did say that her profiteroles have never turned out as well as they did tonight – that’s an AGA for you. She’s now realised that spun sugar isn’t difficult, it’s not even that fiddly but you do have to work quickly and you need to keep it company but at the end you have a real show off dish. Wonder if I can get her to do pudding for New Year.
The profiteroles are filled with a blackcurrant cream and drizzled with blackcurrant coulis and chocolate shavings. It tasted heavenly too.