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Cranberry and Orange Mincemeat

A slightly different take on traditional mincemeat, to tickle your taste buds.

Homemade mincemeat is amazing, cheat and buy the pastry if you must but never cheat on the mincemeat you will notice the difference.

Ingredients for around 4 jars:
200 g currants
350 g raisins
200 g dried cranberries
4 cooking apples, grated or finely chopped with the skin
100 g mixed peel
300 g soft brown sugar
Zest and juice of 2 oranges
100g chopped pecans
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 teaspoons mixed spice
225g light shredded suet
4-5 tablespoons Gran Marnier or Brandy

How to make it….
1. Place all the ingredients into a large bowl except the brandy, stir well to mix, cover with a clean cloth and leave overnight for the flavours to develop.

2. Next day, heat the oven to gas mark 1/120oc cover loosely with foil and cook for 3 hours. This will melt the suet and coat the apple to prevent it fermenting.

3. Leave it to cool completely then stir in the Gran Marnier or brandy, transfer to sterilised jars, seal and store in a cool place for up to 1 year.
