Chocolate is one my favourite foods in the whole world. I had the honour of creating my signature cupcakes with Divine chocolate and they’ve featured it on their website, even better these are just a little bit healthy too. How? They have freshly grated beetroot and fresh blackcurrants in the mix so you can eat a portion of fruit/veg while eating a cupcake, how cool is that?
They also feature on my recipe APP, available for iPad on the APP store which also includes my exquisitely chocolatey Heavenly Chocolate frosting recipe and my delicious Brownies.
Try making the Brownie recipe with gluten free flour, Dove’s Farm flour is fab, great a fresh beetroot into it and add some fresh raspberries, use Divine chocolate of course and they’re delicious.
For more inspiration on chocolate recipes try my YouTube channel, click below for the recipes, or subscribe to catch my new weekly shows:
How to Temper chocolate and make chocolate bark