Anyone know when Heroes is back, having severe withdrawal symptoms?
Off Skiing, due to hit the sl…
Off Skiing, due to hit the slopes in an hour yeay
off skiing tomorrow for my bir…
off skiing tomorrow for my birthday……Milton Keynes rather than Courcheval, I hear you have to speak Russian there now.
Recipe Development – Keema Rice
I’ve been playing with the Keema Rice recipe for my new book, this is a recipe that my husband and children love from the local Indian Restaurant but it has to be adapted for babies and toddlers so out go the normal spices and salt. I’ve just taken it out of the oven and for…
Daily Telegraph Magazine – Saturday 17 December 2010
Lovely piece in the Telegraph about my cookery school and cookery business, Splat Cooking, including recipes ideal for children to make for presents.
New Year – New Book
I am so excited, my first book comes out this year. I’ve been hard at work over Christmas writing the recipes for my new book ‘500 meals for babies and toddlers’ to be published by Quintet Publishing. It will be on the shelves in August this year and is full of no-nonsense, down to earth…